Remind Me Who I Am, Jesus
Tell me again, Jesus, who I am.
Because, I think I’ve forgotten.
This world is hard and bitter,
and sometimes, I too, am hard and bitter.
Remind me again Jesus, who I am.
Because, I think I’m believing things that are false.
I’ve been comparing myself to the standards this world has set,

Speak the truth of who I am to me, Jesus.
Because I have been treading water for so long.
I am so weary and the waves are so high;
I think I might be drowning.
If I really am who You say I am, Jesus,
Why is my heart so fickle?
Why am I so prone to wander?
Why do I run from Your love?
Tell me again, Jesus, who I am.
Because, I think I’ve forgotten.
“You are Mine.
You are Mine, Beloved, And I Am yours.
And you are Becoming.
You are Becoming all that I have intended for you to be.
"When your heart becomes hard,
When your heart becomes bitter,
I will breathe into you,
And soften you with my Love.
"And when you start believing the lies,
When you compare yourself to the artificial standards of this world,
I will remind you of the truth;
"When the waves become too high,
And the waters grow too deep;
When you are too weary to keep your head above water,
I will come to you and rescue you.
"Yes. Your heart is fickle.
You are prone to wander;
To leave Me;
To run from My love.
"But I will never leave you.
I will never let go of you.
"You are Mine, you see.
"I bought you;
Paid for you with the very highest price.
Do you think I will ever let that sacrifice go to waste?
Do you think I could so easily let go of you?
You, whom I gave my life for?
Never, my daughter.
You are far to precious to Me.
My very life-blood flows through your veins.
I will never let you go.
"You are Mine.
You are Mine, child,
And I am yours.
In this world where we are constantly trying to measure up to the world's standards of beauty and value, my prayer, Beloved, is that you will always remember that you are not who the world says you are, nor are you who you think you are. You are who Jesus says you are; and He says you are His.

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And as always,
Stay holy, Beloved.
Stay hygge.
Love Melinda