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Salted Caramel And Chocolate Ice-Cream Cake

Salted Caramel And Chocolate Ice-cream Cake

So, my husband, really loves ice-cream.

Now, while I do enjoy ice cream, I wouldn't honestly be able to say that I love it.

Honestly, I'd rather eat a bag of chips.

(And not those dinky individual size bags, people!

Those larger, family size bags are what I'm talking about!!!)

Or, a large bag of theatre pop-corn, all salty, and slathered in butter!

Yeah, that's my kinda snack, baby!

But, that being said,

sometimes, you just need to eat ice-cream because life just wouldn't be normal if you didn't.

So, last November, for my husband's 40th birthday,

the two of us went to Mexico to celebrate!

(You're probably wondering what this has to do with my

Salted Caramel And Chocolate Ice-Cream Cake.

I'm getting there.......)

While we were waiting to board the plane, we went into Montana's

to grab a little bite to eat before our flight.

We shared some nachos, and then, for dessert,

we ordered some kind of Mocha Ice-Cream Cake.

Let me tell you.....

it was really good!


REALLY good!

As we ate it, I kept thinking that I should make something like this

for my husbands actual birthday coming up in December.

He really likes those DQ ice cream cakes, but I'm just not a huge fan.

Now, if I could make something like this for his birthday,

well, then I would be like a super awesome wife!

(Not like there was any ever question of that!)

Anyway, after we got back from Mexico, I did come up with a recipe for this delicious,

Salted Caramel And Chocolate Ice-Cream Cake

Salted Caramel Ice-cream Cake

Here's the honest truth, people.....

This ice-cream cake is probably one of the best things I have ever created in my entire life!

Like, I'm not even kidding here.

I can't tell you how delicious it is!

There are no words,

no words, I tell you, that would do this glorious cake justice.

Honestly, you will just have to make it and see for yourself!

I promise you!

You will not be disappointed!

Salted Caramel And Chocolate Ice-Cream Cake


6-8 chocolate cookies

3 tlbs. of melted butter

1/2 cup of chopped roasted and salted peanuts plus 2 tlbs. to sprinkle over top

about 1/2 cup of chocolate sauce plus more for drizzle

about 1/2 cup of salted caramel sauce plus more for drizzle

Vanilla, Chocolate and Salted Caramel/Chocolate ice-cream

whipped cream for garnish


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Lightly grease bottom of a 9 inch spring-form pan.

Place cookies in blender and pulse into crumbs.

Mix with melted butter.

Press into bottom of spring-form pan and bake for 10 minutes.

Cool completely.

Allow Vanilla ice-cream to soften for about 5 minutes.

Spread about 3-4 cups of ice-cream over cooled crust.

Freeze for about an hour.

Allow chocolate ice cream to soften for about 5 minutes.

Pour chocolate sauce over vanilla ice-cream.

Spread 2-3 cups of chocolate ice-cream carefully over chocolate sauce.

Freeze for about an hour.

Allow Salted caramel/Chocolate ice-cream to soften.

Spread 2-3 cups of Salted Caramel sauce over chocolate ice-cream layer and sprinkle with half cup of chopped peanuts.

Carefully spread softened ice-cream over top.

Freeze until completely solid. (Over night to be safe!)

When ready to serve, allow cake to thaw for a few minutes to allow sides of pan to remove easily.

Drizzle with Chocolate and Salted Caramel Sauce and sprinkle with peanuts.

Serve with whipped cream

Salted Caramel And Chocolate Ice-cream Cake

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Your most important ministry Beloved, happens within the walls of your home. Homemaking is about so much more than cooking and cleaning and doing the laundry. While it does include those things, homemaking is also about creating a home atmosphere of peace and security. It is about cultivating a place where you and your loved ones can experience grace and forgiveness, and grow in relationship with Jesus.  Holiness & Hygge is really about holy homemaking. Because what better place is there for you and your family to experience and extend, the love of Jesus?

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